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A Man Called Otto movie review by The WCCS.

In A Man Called Otto, Tom Hanks portrays a grumpy old man named Otto who is in constant conflict with his neighbors. The film follows Otto as he struggles with retirement and the loss of his wife, ultimately leading to repeated failed suicide attempts in an effort to join her in the afterlife. However, a chance encounter with new neighbors Marisol and Tommy leads to a friendship that causes Otto to reconsider his attitude and open his life. The film is a feel-good, heartwarming tale about finding life after loss and finding the good in others, but it relies heavily on the gimmick of schmaltz. Tom Hanks and Mariana Treviño really take this film up a level. Their on screen chemistry is great and there are other supporting characters that make this film hold up. This list includes a stray cat that manages to bring more laughter. It was also nice to see Ottos younger self played by Tom Hanks son, Truman, in the movie. There were not many seats filled in the cinema. However, those there were laughing throughout and you would need to be stronger than most to hold back the tears.

Overall, this is a message of hope, community and grief. I recommend that you watch this movie and give it a 6.5/10.

Watch the trailer here:

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